CFW Club Meeting 6/14/16
Membership Report:
We currently have 42 members and
13 prospective members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Don advised Christie that as of
5/25, we had $3730.83 in checking.
Land Use:
No local updates, but it was
noted that China Wall is in pretty good shape as of the last trail run.
Christmas for Kids:
Over $500 was made during the
Customer Appreciation raffle held by R&R Offroad! They also collected $120
in donations for food for the club.
Christie and Chrystie will be
getting the ball rolling on some meetings to plan further fundraisers. Meeting
date and location tbd.
Completed Trip Reports:
5/14: China Wall Cleanup run: Tony
Cobb and Heather Bartlet ran the trail with 11 members, 2 prospective members,
and one guest.
5/21: RNR Customer Appreciation: They
had over 50 rigs and had a great time. They were also able to make a good
Forest Service contact, and are looking to “adopt” the playground area of Mini
Moab to cleanup.
Upcoming Trail Runs and
6/11: Trail cleanup with Colorado
Christian: We have about 18 members signed up to help. Numbers have been turned
in to CSC4W for lunches.
6/18: Poker run and campout
weekend: Two group members who are meeting up at Rudy’s need to lead groups of
participants up to the poker run location. One group to leave at 8:15-8:30, and
a second group to leave around 8:40. Check in begins at 9:30.
Extreme Terrain will be donating
goodie bags for all participants, a $100 gift card, and stickers. Other raffle
prizes have been obtained, and more may come.
Last chance to register for the poker
run will be 6/14/16.
6/26/16: Meet N Greet for
breakfast, 7 am Western Omelette. Possible trail run to follow depending on
what everyone wants to do.
7/9: China Wall Cleanup run led
by Christie and Heather. Meet 8 am at Safeway on West Colorado, roll out around
8:30 am.
7/24: Wheeler Lake- led by Tony.
Meet up at 7am for breakfast at Western Omelette, roll out at 8:30.
7/30: WOW run to Chinamen’s
Gulch, led by Chrystie and Heather. Meet at Rudy’s at 7:30am, roll out at 8am.
8/14: WOW run to Mini Moab to
play; there will be a grill and food available for donation to Christmas for
Kids. Meet up 8am at Safeway on W. Colorado, roll out at 8:30.
8/20: Slide Lake and Mosquito
Pass led by Jon and Heather. Meet at Safeway on W. Colorado 6:00am, roll out at
9/10: Radical Hill & Red
Cone- info tbd.
There will also be some fun
non-trail runs planned, such as shooting, paintball, mini-golf, go-carts, laser
tag, race day, and demolition derby day.
Club Store:
The club store has $62 on hand,
as well as a lot of shirts, a few hats, stickers, and eyebrow decals.
Old Business:
New Business:
Extreme Terrain will be
sponsoring us in exchange for their logo being on the website as well as us
putting up a banner at events.
Web site looks good, everyone is
appearing to be pleased with the changes. Looking forward to having access to
add to the calendar, etc.
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